Tuesday, December 31, 2013

British Matches

An Antique Box of Masters Army & Navy British Made Safety Matches Manufactured by J. John Masters & Co. Ltd. of London, England

A Vintage Box of British Made Bryant & May's Pearl Matches

An Antique Box of British Made G.N. Brand Matches

A Vintage Box of the Pioneer Brand Matches Made in Sweden But Sold in Great Britain by J. John Masters & Co. Ltd. of London

A Vintage Box of British Made Rocket Brand Matches Manufactured by North of England Match Co. Ltd. of West Hartlepool, England

A Vintage Box of British Made Bryant & May's Special Safety Matches 

 An Antique Box of British Frontline Matches


  1. were the Masters Army and Navy specific to WW2?

    1. My knowledge is limited, but I don't believe they were. Though I don't know for sure, my belief is that this particular matchbox was probably manufactured sometime in the late 1940's or early 1950's. Interestingly, according to my research, the Masters Army and Navy Brand Safety Matches is still being manufactured and sold with a very similar label, but are no longer British made, Instead they are one of three main brands being produced by Trinidad Match Limited in Trinidad and Tobago ( the other two being Three Plumes and Swinger) and sold through out the Caribbean.

  2. how old are the brayant&may ones i have a box but cant find any info

    1. I apologize for taking so long to approve your comment (I wasn't aware that you left one until now). I'm sorry, but I don't have a date for that matchbox.

  3. Hi, can you tell us what date the second image down (red and blue stripes) are?

    1. I hope you too will accept my apologies for taking so long to approve your comment. Once again, I'm afraid I don't have a date for that matchbox. Sorry!
