Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Indian Matches

A Vintage Box of The Horse Head Brand Safety Matches Manufactured in India by Wimco Limited

An Antique Box of Wimco Brand Wax Vestas Made in India


  1. Its sad to note that there is not much from India to your fantastic collection .Let me know if you want me to post few for you . I have also shared your blog on my site called Madras Match Box Collectors Society

    link below


  2. Hi Dinesh,

    Thank you so very much sharing for my blog on your site, as well as your generous offer to post some photos of matchboxes from India. I really appreciate it. It's true that I have a very limited amount of Indian matchboxes in my collection which is a shame since I consider them among the most beautiful in the world.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Mad Collector, soon I will get you a small collection from India which Im sure you will like.... Also connect with Madras Match Box Collectors Society, it has quite many people liking your page already

    1. You are welcome, Dinesh, and thanks once again. I was able to check out your wonderful Madras Match Box Collectors Society site, but unfortunately, since I do not have a Facebook account, I wasn't able to leave a comment or interact with it in any meaningful way. However I was very impressed with what I was able to see.
